


Creating numerous mp3 files in home directory?

Added by Brian Flaherty about 9 years ago

I began using Audacious on Debian linux several days and I noticed mp3 files in my home directory. Today, I see that if I play the *.flac files in a directory of an external drive, audacious creates *.mp3 versions in my home directory. They are left there, even when I quit. Also, on the bottom left of the Audacious screen, it says it is playing FLAC, 44kHZ, 717 kps. So, I think it is just creating the mp3 files for fun. I don't want them, though it is nice to know I can use Audacious to do this automatically. How do I stop it?
Thank you for your time and help!

Replies (5)

RE: Creating numerous mp3 files in home directory? - Added by John Lindgren about 9 years ago

Turn off the red "record" toggle button in the main toolbar.

RE: Creating numerous mp3 files in home directory? - Added by Matt Dobson about 9 years ago

How do we turn this off? I don't see this option in Audacious. I'm using the latest version.

RE: Creating numerous mp3 files in home directory? - Added by Thomas Lange about 9 years ago

Simply click the red button in the toolbar. Or use the menubar (Output -> Record Stream).

RE: Creating numerous mp3 files in home directory? - Added by Sean Jackson about 3 years ago

I too would be very interested to know how to turn off the red record toggle on audacious if anyone can help?

RE: Creating numerous mp3 files in home directory? - Added by Michael Schwendt about 3 years ago

menu File > Settings > Audio
Recording Settings
[ ] Enable audio stream recording with FileWriter Plugin
