


Tags in Audacious are not updated on playlist after changing tags with a tag editor

Added by Pascual Lucero over 12 years ago


I have experienced the following problem in the latest version of Audacious; perhaps the "subject" I put is not clear enough, so let me explain it with more detail:

- As I have had problems editing tags in Audio Files using Audacious (I refer to this topic which has not been answered yet:, I use tag editors like mp3tag or puddletag.

- However if I have a playlist already created and I made a change of tags in a file (without changing the file name), the following happens: If I double click in the playlist to listen it, I can reproduce the audio file, but I can't see the changes in tags I made before. The only way I can see the new information is to delete the files from the playlist and adding them again.

Is this the expected behavior? Maybe it is related with the playlist format?

Thanks a lot!

PS: The behavior is different compared with players like winamp in Windows, for example. On the other hand, if making this setting work like winamp affects negatively the performance and responsiveness of Audacious I really like how light and quick Audacious is, I can live with the way things work at this moment :)

Replies (3)

RE: Tags in Audacious are not updated on playlist after changing tags with a tag editor - Added by Pascual Lucero over 12 years ago

Yes, I did, but it doesn't look like the proper way to do it. In my case, my playlists have about 5000 music files and it seems that all files in the playlist are reloaded, which is inefficient if I just modify about 50 of them (even if Audacious is really fast on reading files compared with other media players) . And also, it looks inefficient to look for the 50 files, delete them from the playlist and adding them again.

Is there an alternative to this? (or perphaps any alternative would affect negatively how fast audacious works)

Thanks a lot (for this wonderful program)!
