


Drag and drop into playlist on GTK interface

Added by Michael L about 7 years ago

I'm having an issue with drag and dropping files into the playlist with the GTK interface (I see other drag and drop issues seem to be with the Qt interface). This is with the 3.8.2 version installed from the Arch repos and also the 3.9-beta1 version. Drag and dropping works fine if I use the winamp interface.

The error I'm getting in terminal is this:

  • (audacious:29479): CRITICAL *: void drag_data_received(GtkWidget, GdkDragContext*, int, int, GtkSelectionData*, unsigned int, unsigned int, ListModel*): assertion 'model->receive_row >= 0 && model->receive_row <= model->rows' failed

Any ideas?



Replies (9)

RE: Drag and drop into playlist on GTK interface - Added by John Lindgren about 7 years ago

What program are you dragging the files from?

RE: Drag and drop into playlist on GTK interface - Added by Michael Schwendt about 7 years ago

Not the original reporter, but it's reproducible with Fedora 26 x86_64, Audacious 3.8.2 and Nautilus 3.24.1 within GNOME Shell. Dragging single or multiple files into Audacious doesn't work. A '+' sign appears on the dragged icon when entering playlist area, but dropping the object there, nothing happens.

Using explicit Copy & Paste from the context menus of Nautilus and Audacious works, on the contrary.

RE: Drag and drop into playlist on GTK interface - Added by Michael Schwendt about 7 years ago

Also confirming that drag'n'drop into Winamp UI works while the Qt UI doesn't work and doesn't print an assertion message.

RE: Drag and drop into playlist on GTK interface - Added by Michael L about 7 years ago

John: Nautilus.

I fixed the problem. I woke up this morning with the thought in my head that was might be an an issue with Wayland. Logged into an X session and drag and drop is working fine now.

RE: Drag and drop into playlist on GTK interface - Added by Thomas Lange about 7 years ago

Please try the GTK3 version, it's available in the AUR.

RE: Drag and drop into playlist on GTK interface - Added by Michael L about 7 years ago

audacious-gtk3 from the AUR leads to the same situation: drag and drop works in X, but not in Wayland.

Different error in terminal, though:

(audacious:23362): Gdk-WARNING **: gdkselection-wayland.c:266: error reading selection buffer: Operation was cancelled

RE: Drag and drop into playlist on GTK interface - Added by Michael Schwendt about 7 years ago

an issue with Wayland

Indeed. GNOME on Xorg doesn't suffer from the same problem.

RE: Drag and drop into playlist on GTK interface - Added by John Lindgren about 7 years ago

I don't plan to invest any of my own time in supporting GTK+ (2 or 3 or 4 or whatever) on Wayland, but anyone who feels like doing so is welcome to investigate this more and provide a patch. If it helps, the "CRITICAL" message in the first post means that Audacious received a "drag-data-received" event without first receiving a "drag-drop" event, which at first glance seems to me like a bug on the GTK+ side; but maybe that's the way it's expected to work under Wayland, I don't know.

RE: Drag and drop into playlist on GTK interface - Added by Michael Schwendt about 7 years ago

Other applications are affected, too.
