play DTS
Added by George Paraloffsky over 7 years ago
Try as I might, I could not find a solution how to play DTS with Audacious. VLC plays it, so it.s not a sound card problem..
Thank you!
Replies (7)
RE: play DTS/wav
Added by George Paraloffsky almost 7 years ago
wav files do not play either. I cannot believe there is no single answer!!!
RE: play DTS
Added by Michael Schwendt almost 7 years ago
Well, VLC and mplayer seem to use libdca (a free library for decoding DTS Coherent Acoustics streams) as backend library. All other audio players don't magically inherit the same functionality. Somebody would need to create an input plugin that uses libdca.
RE: play DTS
Added by Jim Turner almost 7 years ago
Could you provide a sample DTS file or link to a stream that uses DTS?
RE: play DTS
Added by Future inoz over 3 years ago
Hi Jim
Are you still seeking a .dts file? I can share privately one for you to review. Would be good for this wonderful music player to support wave (dts) files.
RE: play DTS
Added by Jim Turner over 3 years ago
Sure. You can email it to me (click on my name above to get my email address). No promises, but I'll be happy to take a look!
RE: play DTS
Added by Jim Turner over 3 years ago
I haven't gotten your email (hope my spam filter didn't toss it!) If so, plz resend mentioning "Audacious" in the title, reply back here afterwords, and I'll check my mail + spam folder & look for it. Otherwise, file a feature request & attach it there!
RE: play DTS
Added by Jim Turner almost 3 years ago
Thanks George for emailing me the sample! It is apparently kosher to embed audio data formatted as DTS into .wav files. Audacious' plugin pecking order gives sndfile first dibs on .wav files and sndfile accepts them, but they play noise. ffaudio does a good job of playing them though (so imo a new plugin is unnecessary). Problem is we need to decipher these (from normal WAV files within sndfile's probing code and punt DTS wav files on to ffaudio whilst keeping all the others. After much googling, I found a small, simple C program that can convert them to a proper wav format which contained a function that can tell 'em apart by searching for a proper "DTS header" embedded somewhere in the file. I modified this function for Audacious's sndfile plugin and tried it on George's sample and on a cpl. more I found on the web, along with a bunch of "normal" .wav files in my music library, and it seems to work fine (sndfile now rejecting the DTS ones and playing the others).
Please see proposed sndfile patch attached.
Note: This patch only test .wav FILES, not streams. George - Are you also trying to play DTS streams / does such exist? (It appears that normally these files are found on DVDs from what I can gather).
Also note, the files could also be renamed to .dts extension, and ffaudio will then play them without this patch. Also, @George: You (and all Audacious users) could've pbly. had this 4 years ago! ;) ;)
Jim (2.61 KB) | sndfile diff w/current Audacious | || (12.9 KB) | New version source |