


Constant Disk activity in Win 10 when in QT interface

Added by Sean Poust about 6 years ago


Audacious has been my favorite music player in Linux and Windows for some time now.

One of my Windows 10 desktop machines has a pretty noisy hard drive even under normal circumstances. However lately I notice it's noisier than usual because there's constant disk activity going on, when idle. Now, Windows 10 is known to always be running a lot of background processes, but this was different. A constant flashing HD light, and a noise of apparent disk writes constantly, tick-tick-tick like a clock. Not an abnormal noise like the hard drive is about to die, just the sound of constant activity.

After a lot of investigating, I finally figured out that it was Audacious that was causing this. As soon as I start it up, the noise starts, even when the player is idle. Further investigation showed that it's only when Audacious is using the QT interface that this happens. If I switch to the Winamp interface, the noise and the activity stops immediately. I updated the player to the latest version, 3.9a, but still have the problem.

That's too bad because I like the QT interface much better than the Winamp interface. I've been using Audacious on Windows for over a year, and I never noticed this problem until the past few weeks. So it's probably something that started with a recent Windows update.

Is there anything that can be done to fix this issue? Or can I file a bug report?


Replies (3)

RE: Constant Disk activity in Win 10 when in QT interface - Added by Thomas Lange about 6 years ago

Do you really mean the Qt interface? The Windows version we offer use GTK+ instead. Have you compiled Audacious for Windows yourself?

And for what it's worth, QT is QuickTime while Qt is the GUI toolkit. :)

RE: Constant Disk activity in Win 10 when in QT interface - Added by Sean Poust about 6 years ago

Yes, GTK+. I don't know why I said QT. No, I didn't compile it, I installed the exe. Thanks.

RE: Constant Disk activity in Win 10 when in QT interface - Added by John Lindgren about 6 years ago

Can you figure out what files are being accessed? Or how to recreate the problem on another machine (or another user account)?
