


Feature #1204

Ctrl+F playlist search should also search in file names

Added by jesus2099 💗 about 2 years ago. Updated about 2 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
February 18, 2023
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Affects version:


When searching in the playlist with Ctrl+F, it apparently only searches in the file tags, not in the file names.


#1 Updated by jesus2099 💗 about 2 years ago

I am on Raspbarry Pi OS (Raspbian/Debian) 10 Xfce.

#2 Updated by John Lindgren about 2 years ago

Have you tried a newer version? 3.10.1 is quite old now, and not supported any more.

#3 Updated by Artem S. Tashkinov about 2 years ago

I'm using Audacious 4.3-beta1, GTK2 version.

Ctrl+F doesn't find tracks by their filenames.

Ctrl+J finds them.

(I'm also curious why the Qt version doesn't have the Ctrl+J (Jump to Song) dialog).

#4 Updated by Thomas Lange about 2 years ago

With Qt the "Jump to Song" dialog does not search in file names though. This is only the case for GTK.
The dialog may be useful anyway, so I approve adding it.

@John: Is it missing in qtui because our custom Ctrl+F search is supposed to be better? Or simply because of historical reasons? The dialog was long missing in the Winamp interface as well.

#5 Updated by John Lindgren about 2 years ago

Ctrl+F search was supposed to combine Jump to Song and the previous playlist search in a way that was better integrated into the UI and reused code better (hence filtering the existing playlist display rather than a separate window).

I had hoped to reuse the same playlist widget (with filtering) for a popup search/jump to song window in the Qt Winamp interface but never had the time to do it.

#6 Updated by Thomas Lange about 2 years ago

jesus2099 💗: In my opinion "CTRL+F" should search in the potentially visible (scrollable) content, like a web browser does. So if the file name column is not shown in the playlist, I would not expect it to be searched.

@John: Regarding the "Jump to Song" dialog: Do you think it is redundant to offer it in qtui? It's already there in libaudqt, but only used in the Qt Winamp interface.
Implementing the GTK "Jump to Time" dialog would also be possible. I can take care of this if you want. Feature parity between GTK/Qt should always be useful. :)

diff --git a/src/qtui/ b/src/qtui/
index bee13e1be..89c460f17 100644
--- a/src/qtui/
+++ b/src/qtui/
@@ -161,6 +161,8 @@ QMenuBar * qtui_build_menubar(QWidget * parent)
             {N_("Song _Info ..."), "dialog-information", "Ctrl+I"},
+        audqt::MenuCommand({N_("_Jump to Song ..."), "go-jump", "Ctrl+J"},
+                           audqt::songwin_show),
         audqt::MenuCommand({N_("Set Repeat Point _A"), nullptr, "Ctrl+1"},

#7 Updated by John Lindgren about 2 years ago

It seems redundant to me. Ctrl+F already provides a means to search for a track and play it.

Personally I'm not opposed to searching by filename as well (even if the column is hidden).

#8 Updated by Artem S. Tashkinov about 2 years ago

Ctrl + J is hugely important for me.

Sometimes you don't quite remember how the track is called, so you enter something and it shows a short list of tracks which is easy to navigate.

Ctrl + F on the other hand jumps between tracks in a very long list (I have over 5000 tracks), so finding a track you don't quite remember becomes near impossible.

#9 Updated by Artem S. Tashkinov about 2 years ago

There's another use for this dialog.

Imagine you want to create a new playlist based on certain obscure criterion which doesn't quite work for any sort mode.

You enter a search string, you get a list of tracks, you select them and drag them to a new playlist.

Actually, actually, here's a new better idea.

Instead of a dedicated dialog what about a search field which filters the tracks in the current playlist dynamically?

So, once you enter a search string, instead of seeing the entire playlist you only get the tracks that match the search string.

#10 Updated by John Lindgren about 2 years ago

Instead of a dedicated dialog what about a search field which filters the tracks in the current playlist dynamically?

That's what Ctrl-F does ...

#11 Updated by Artem S. Tashkinov about 2 years ago

John Lindgren wrote:

Instead of a dedicated dialog what about a search field which filters the tracks in the current playlist dynamically?

That's what Ctrl-F does ...

It actually does. Well, then, it's all good, just please allow to search for filenames :-)

#12 Updated by Thomas Lange about 2 years ago

  • Target version set to 4.3
  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Category set to plugins/qtui

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