Feature #502
Please add support for musixmatch.com lyrics
musixmatch.com is perhaps the most complete lyrics database nowadays and it also has commercial backing.
It would be nice if Audacious could grab lyrics from it.
Updated by Artem S. Tashkinov over 9 years ago
To hell with it:
Other Licensing Details:
Minimum Price: We offer data licensing packages, through our scalable Lyrics API, that are customized to meet your needs with annual fees ranging from USD $25,000 to higher depending on the audience for the data and which data are being licensed. We are not able to offer any sort of data license for less than USD $25,000. Our lyrics rates are variable and based on volume and needs. For web/mobile usage we do charge per CPM (which means 1,000 lyrics viewed by end user) for not less than 1,4 USD CPM.
Please close this feature request. Their licensing terms are outlandish.
Updated by John Lindgren over 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
- Affects version deleted (