


Audacious 3.6 released

Added by Michael Schwendt over 9 years ago

Audacious can still be built with GTK3 if desired,
but we recommend the GTK2 variant for any desktop environment other than GNOME 3.

Does that mean you would prefer building with GTK3 even if distribution users installed the packages within KDE, XFCE, MATE or other desktop envs other than GNOME Shell? Would you dislike a build with GTK2 even if targeting GNOME 3?

It is not so convenient to offer multiple different builds of Audacious, one for gtk2, one for gtk3, and/or Qt, or even an optional headless one. There are strict inter-dependencies between audacious-plugins and audacious. And conflicts, unless one spends a lot of effort on making all built packages parallel-installable. Even then, many users won't notice optional packages with different names.

The GTK2 build enables the statusicon plugin by default. The GTK3 build disables it by default. Any other gotchas or recommendations?

Replies (10)

RE: Audacious 3.6 released - Added by John Lindgren over 9 years ago

If you want just one build (which is understandable), then I would suggest going with GTK2 only. There are no big differences between the two GTK variants at this point (just some minor cosmetic issues in the GTK3 branch, and the status icon being disabled by default), but the future of the GTK3 branch is less certain, depending on what new breaking changes the GNOME developers come up with.

By Audacious 4.0, we plan to have the Qt version feature-complete and make the GTK2 vs. GTK3 question a matter of history. But before we get to that point, there is almost certainly going to be a 3.7, and possibly a 3.8 and 3.9 as well.

RE: Audacious 3.6 released - Added by Thomas Lange over 9 years ago

If Audacious 3.5 worked for you, 3.6 with GTK3 will continue to work fine.
Personally I would choose GTK3 for Fedora since GNOME is the default desktop there.
But that is your decision as a maintainer.

RE: Audacious 3.6 released - Added by Michael Schwendt over 9 years ago

One problem is, the packager is not a dictator. The packages are just an offer. I'm not sure what happens, if Fedora users download Audacious 3.6 source tarballs (not the separate -gtk3 ones), rebuild from scratch and end up with something different than what is offered in the Fedora packages. Sure, the same could happen with users downloading the -gtk3 tarball instead when Fedora builds with gtk2. I know there are some "complainers", not specific to Audacious' packages. It is problematic enough, if MP3 and similar plugins cannot be offered.

The status icon is not visible with Audacious 3.5.2 and GNOME Shell - other programs are affected by various status icon issues in GNOME Shell, too. I'm not uptodate on whether anything is done about that. With Audacious 3.6 the plugin is not available by default. I guess, if I enabled it, it will be invisible. With gtk2 it is visible, albeit small. Only for a short time, yesterday, a large icon was shown.

since GNOME is the default desktop there

For one "product" only. So much has changed here with all those "spins" and new "products" and "non-products".

So far, a first test-build for the Fedora 22 development cycle has been submitted with GTK2 only. Once the alpha and beta releases of the dist are out, perhaps there will be bug reports. It is not too late to switch to GTK3 again. I've enabled Qt only for Fedora 23 development.

We'll see. Feedback is always good.

RE: Audacious 3.6 released - Added by Thomas Lange over 9 years ago

GtkStatusIcon is deprecated, hence it is disabled by default. But if it is visible with GTK2 it should be the same with GTK3.
With GNOME 3.14 and the extension "TopIcons" it definitely works. But 3.16 can be a different story.

For Audacious 3.6 you can use our appdata file though. It is located in the directory "contrib".

RE: Audacious 3.6 released - Added by Michael Schwendt over 9 years ago

For Audacious 3.6 you can use our appdata file though. It is located in the directory "contrib".

That would be good. It doesn't validate yet, however:

$ appdata-validate audacious.appdata.xml 
audacious.appdata.xml 2 problems detected:
• tag-missing           : <updatecontact> is not present
• attribute-invalid     : <screenshot> width was too small

$ appdata-validate audacious.appdata.xml  --relax
audacious.appdata.xml 1 problems detected:
• attribute-invalid     : <screenshot> width was too small

RE: Audacious 3.6 released - Added by John Lindgren over 9 years ago

Audacious User2 wrote:

Version is still "beta" in On purpose?

We should change the version to 3.7-devel in the master branch. I forgot to do this.

RE: Audacious 3.6 released - Added by Thomas Lange over 9 years ago

Michael Schwendt wrote:

For Audacious 3.6 you can use our appdata file though. It is located in the directory "contrib".

That would be good. It doesn't validate yet.

The Winamp interface screenshot is now big enough.
Please try the latest version:

RE: Audacious 3.6 released - Added by Michael Schwendt over 9 years ago

Thanks! That one validates with the --relax option:

$ wget -q
audacious.appdata.x 100%[=====================>]   1.47K  --.-KB/s   in 0s 

$ appdata-validate --relax audacious.appdata.xml 
audacious.appdata.xml validated OK.

$ appdata-validate audacious.appdata.xml 
audacious.appdata.xml 2 problems detected:
• tag-missing           : <updatecontact> is not present
• attribute-invalid     : <screenshot> height was too small
