Feature #1160
Ogg Opus support for streams
A while back rainwave.cc switched from Vorbis to Opus for their radio streams, and now Audacious errors out trying to play them.
The debug log says it's assuming vorbis from the application/ogg mimetype, which probably was never correct (contents could also be speex)
Updated by Jim Turner over 2 years ago
1) Can you provide a sample URL known to not work?
2) I would also watch bug# 1176, as I suspect it's resolution may resolve this one too, seeing that the issue seems to be streaming sites wrapping flac, opus, etc. in ogg wrappers (why? I don't have the foggiest idea!), but be that as it may.
3) For a short-term workaround, you might try disabling the ogg/vorbis plugin before playing one of these and see if ffaudio picks it up and plays 'em.
Updated by Artem S. Tashkinov over 2 years ago
Jim Turner wrote:
1) Can you provide a sample URL known to not work?
Updated by Jim Turner over 2 years ago
Thank you for the sample (it's an "ogg-opus" stream)! With that I was able to come up with a proposed solution for both this & #1776, and have posted it there. Hopefully that spurs them on to fix.
Updated by John Lindgren over 2 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
- Status changed from New to Closed
Fixed, thanks for the suggestion!
Updated by Enne Eziarc over 2 years ago
Thanks, works for me!
It doesn't show live song metadata like it used to when they still used vorbis, but after looking at it in wireshark... turns out they just don't send metadata any more. Oh well.
Updated by Jim Turner over 2 years ago
@Enne - You are partially correct: They aren't sending dynamic metadata for each song (anymore?), but they ARE sending "icy-data" on startup, of which 2 fields pertain here: icy-name (Album)="Rainwave All", and icy-genre (Genre)="Video Game Music". Audacious will need to modify neon.cc & ffaudio-core.cc in order to pick 'em up, however, they would require you to submit a new feature ticket.
Updated by Thomas Lange about 2 years ago
- Target version set to 4.2.1
Updated by John Lindgren about 2 years ago
- Target version changed from 4.2.1 to 4.3